Sales Tax Calculator

Price Before Tax ($)

Sales Tax (%)

What is the sales tax calculator?

Sales tax formula

Meet our Sales Tax Calculator, also known as the Sales Tax % Calculator. This handy tool helps you figure out the total purchase or sale price of an item with the applicable tax rate included.

This calculator works by taking the list price of the item and multiplying it by the decimal tax rate in order to get the “tax amount”. The tax amount is then added to the price before tax value in order to obtain the total price with tax.

Another useful calculator you might want to check out in conjunction with this one is our Profit Margin Calculator which will help you determine the profit margin percentage of an item.

Why is the sales tax percentage (%) calculator useful?

Most countries and even states have varying percentages of sales tax applied to their goods and services. This can make identifying the final cost of a product or service a complex and time consuming process. Using this website, with just a few clicks, you can swiftly calculate the applicable sales tax based on your location and the designated tax rate.

Individuals who frequently shop online or in-store can utilize this tool to anticipate the total cost of their purchases, ensuring they stay within budget. Small business owners can benefit by accurately determining the sales tax component of their transactions, aiding in financial planning and budget allocation. Similarly, large corporations can streamline their accounting processes by swiftly calculating sales tax liabilities across multiple transactions.

Where can I find out more about about sales tax?

For additional information and an in-depth explanation on sales tax and its various applications, please refer to the following Wikipedia reference. If you are a US resident looking for the current sales tax rates for each individual state, please refer to this Wikipedia reference.

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